Saturday, April 21, 2018

This Week in Review - April 16 - 20

                 This information is also found in Walter's weekly email:

It was a busy and very productive week! In math class, we continued our exploration with probability, using coin tosses. We also did some fun activities with the probability of someone picking a number, and the frequency of certain letters in the alphabet. Of course, work in the Singapore Math books continues - each child working at their own pace, with lots of help from a very dedicated group of parent helpers.

Children finished their pen pal letters, and proudly sent them off on Friday morning. They were very excited to get their first letters waiting for them when they came in from lunch recess! Now that they have their pen pals, we will spend some fun weeks writing back and forth.

Look at the amazing mailbox Grace made! She also snapped these adorable pictures of the children mailing their first pen pal letters - the joy is real!

Lexi and Dillon did a wonderful job, as usual, when it was their turn for special readers. We also took turns reciting a poem from our anthology, and then each picked one poem they thought they did an especially good job on. This “best work” went into the children’s portfolios. This type of self reflection is really important, and encourages students to do an even better job next time.  

Earth Day is Sunday, so we spent some time reading about taking care of our planet.

We read the book Green City as a way to tie sustainability into our current theme. Students in K-4 decorated Trader Joe’s grocery bags with earth friendly messages and people who shop there on Sunday may even get their food packed up in a beautiful bag. On Friday afternoon, we went birding with our naturalist Kelsey at County Farm Park. Using her eBird app, she recorded what we found through our binoculars so that ornithologists can use the information. This is also an important way to help out the environment for Earth Day.

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